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2016 Annual Summary and Commendation Assembly of Science and Technology Association of Xuchuan Chemical was Held


2016 Annual Summary and Commendation Assembly of Science and Technology Association of Xuchuan Chemical was Held

    On March 24th, 2017, the 2016 Annual Summary and Commendation Assembly of Science and Technology Association of Xuchuan Chemical (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. was held successfully. The company president, the president of the association, the secretary-general, members of the Association and winners of the rationalization proposal award all attended the meeting. At first, the Office Director of the Science and Technology Association summed up the main work and achievements of the Science and Technology Association in 2016. Then according to the activity results of collection and selection of rationalization proposals, which have been the normalcy work of the company’s Science and Technology Association, the award ceremony was held with two first prizes, six second prizes, and seven third prizes.

    Finally, the Chairman of the Science and Technology Association, Li Pei, made a speech in which he affirmed the work of the Science and Technology Association in 2016 first and gave general instructions on the work of the Association in 2017 later. In 2017, the Association’s work focus is to set up a company QC group, which is based on voluntary participation of employees. The group aims at mutual inspiration, mutual improvement and giving full play to the team members’ ingenuity, enthusiasm and creativity; it also aims to improve the quality of workers, to stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of workers, to prevent quality problems and improve the quality, to reduce consumption and improve economic efficiency, to establish a civilized and comfortable workplace, to improve staff relations, to enhance unity and cooperation, to improve management and customer satisfaction.